Waterproofing differs from roofing because of the additional stresses imposed by pressure; namely hydrostatic pressure. Roofing as a rule does not have to contend with this load.

Because the building owner or homeowner has to deal with problems of a leaky basement area, they believe that good waterproofing design or products do not exist. In reality, however, it is because the area in question is only damproofed and not waterproofed.

Good sound waterproofing design requires a comprehensive approach to the many facets involved such as:

– water table
– surface runoff
– building drainage

Proper design involves first understanding the site layout, in order to control and limit the sources of water. The second component of sound design involves the management and methods of drainage techniques. The final component consists of employing a sound waterproofing barrier or membrane.

Trimstyle understands that each different waterproofing membrane has contrasting characteristics such as cost, puncture resistance, leak localizing capability, working life, credibility of manufacturer and ease of applications. At Trimstyle, we will help you understand these contrasts and provide you with a solution that will work.


Parkade waterproofing presents certain challenges that are not observed in other areas of waterproofing – strong chemicals. Because of this additional burden on the waterproofing, more critical membrane selection and design is required so as to avoid exposure of the substrate.

Trimstyle provides parkade review and design services, so as to ensure that chemical from road salts or vehicle emmissions do not adversely affect the integrity of the substrate or structure.